So I decided to make my first post on my blog, one that introduces me to you. My name is Liorit Frank-Kremer , aka Lio. I am a midwife and IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) by profession and passion. I am a wife to Ori and Mom or Ima to Natalie and Adam.
Born in Israel, grew up in Nairobi,Kenya and Lagos, Nigeria until high school due to my dad's work. Had the privilege of attending really good schools that exposed me to people from different cultures and countries from all over the world. Graduated HS in Israel and then served in the Israel Defense Force.
When I got discharged from the army, like many I decided to embark on a journey of freedom before coming back to real life and choosing a life path. My cousin and I got on a plane from Israel heading to the US on 9/11. Yeah , talk about choosing a day to be on a plane heading to NYC. Our plane was one of many that got diverted to Gander in Canada, as the US airspace closed. If you've ever seen the show " Come from Away", it showcases exactly what we went through. Anyway, I don't want to digress.
When I returned to Israel, I decided that my calling is to become a nurse. I was always fascinated with the way our bodies work. I got into the program at Tel Aviv University and embarked on the rigorous path to become a registered nurse. It is during my 3rd year in Nursing school, during my women's health rotation when a light bulb turned on. Sparks flew, fireworks went off in my head when I witnessed a baby enter this world. Let me paint you a picture…
A woman walking around a birth room completely naked, listening to her body and changing positions. Her partner following her, behind her, supporting her. Then all of a sudden, she gets this tremendous urge to push and she bears down as she squats on the floor. The Midwife is there the whole time, watching, monitoring and supporting. As soon as the birthing person bears down and squats, the midwife is on the ground, supporting and guiding this birth process. Ultimately, the baby starts to emerge and crown. This whole process is in a semi dark room. A quiet and calm environment , with primal natural sounds a person makes while giving birth. Everyone was just in the moment, trusting the process.
It was at that moment I knew what my path in life was going to be. It took me awhile to get there though. During my 4th year advanced clinicals I was accepted in to the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) and fell in love with the babies and families that call this unit home for months at a time. When I graduated, I was hired and continued to work in this special unit.
My plan was to gain as much experience as I could here while I waited for an opening on the labor and delivery unit. Life decided to throw another opportunity my way in the form of a relocation to NYC through my husband's job. It took some deliberation and anxious thoughts to make the move, but seriously who in their right mind would miss an opportunity to live in NYC.
Ori and I, moved to NYC in 2008. Getting adjusted to life in the US was not easy. it was a process to get licensed as RN in the US and find a job. It was hard to leave our family behind and start fresh somewhere new. It was tough and challenging but I did it. In the meantime I studied and became a Childbirth educator and breastfeeding counselor.
In 2012, I was accepted to the SUNY Downstate Midwifery Program. My dream was coming in to a reality. Since my initial witnessing of a birth, I continued to learn about midwives' scope of practice. It just solidified my knowing that I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I couldn't wait to graduate and begin my journey as a Midwife. Everything about the midwifery model of care just resonated with me so profoundly. To offer evidence based care in in a more customized way, in partnership with, as opposed to a more paternalistic approach. Seeing the person as a whole and meeting them where they are.
My first midwifery position was at Mount Sinai Hospital on the Upper East Side in Manhattan. I was a part of a midwifery service that the hospital offered. Under the mentorship of my midwifery director and being a part of large teaching hospital where some amazing doctors teach residents of OBGYN, I was exposed to a lot of knowledge, expertise and experiences. It was an opportunity I was blessed to have and it helped me understand what kind of midwife I want to be.
I decided to leave after 4.5 years and try start my own home birth practice but again, life presented another opportunity and that was to move closer to family and change lifestyles. We packed up again and moved to California. In my search for employment opportunities I came across a practice that was aligned with how I wanted to practice as a Midwife. It was a collaborative MD/midwife practice that felt like it would be the perfect fit. Fortunately they felt the same way about me and were looking to hire another midwife, so I got the job.
Since then, lots of organizational changes happened (I'll save you the details) but I was able to continue practicing with midwives I adore in a birth setting that was so supportive of midwifery care. We just worked so well together as a team. It felt so fulfilling to care for the people who came to receive care with our practice. I felt that we were making an impact in people's lives. Despite all that, I had to make the choice to leave this practice. I know that I described a pretty perfect setting, that brings up the question "why would she ever leave?" Well, there were multiple factors that helped me make this decision. Some related to the medical group I belonged to and some personal. Sometimes, difficult choices need to be made to stay true to oneself.
Where does this leave me now you ask? My husband and I decided to go on an adventure with the kids. And so, we now live in a 5th wheel RV and we're travelling full time around the US. We started our Journey from Irvine , CA, travelled all the way north to Washington and now working our way down south to avoid the really cold temperatures.
In between, seeing the beautiful sights that this country has to offer, I will be working on this blog and starting my telehealth practice, offering postpartum support, lactation consults and gyn visits. Click here to make an appointment or checkout my practice profile here. I offer 30 minute consultations on the house if you want to meet with me prior to initiating care.
Thanks for joining me on this journey!
Finding my passion
Moving to the US
My Midwifery journey
Where I am now?